A beginner’s guide to an armpit care routine
By Cherrie B.
March 4, 2020
One of the most tedious parts to guard against skin troubles is none other than our armpits.
These forsaken parts of our body are the source of excessive wetness, hairy dilemmas, and undesirable smell.
But before we learn how to take care of them, lets look at some facts about your pits.
3 Facts You Might Not Know About Your Underarms
Fact #1: Your underarm area has 20 to 40 bean-shaped axillary lymph nodes.
These lymph nodes help to filter toxins and germs out of our bodies.
Fact #2: Your underarms emit different kinds of sweat than the rest of our bodies because of apocrine glands.
Apocrine glands are found in hairy areas of the body, like our armpits and groin. They start functioning after puberty and secretes thicker sweat. Ever found yourself sweating more than usual before making a presentation? Sweat secreted by apocrine glands can be stimulated by adrenaline and is triggered by stress and anxiety.
Fact #3: Your sweat isn’t exactly to blame for the musky smell after a good workout.
Your sweat isn’t exactly to blame for the musky smell after a good workout. That honor goes to the millions of bacteria that call your underarms home. These bacteria break down your sweat into thioalcohol, causing that sulfur, onion or meat smell. Your odor is also unique to you and as distinct as your fingerprint! Research suggests that illnesses, from cancer to infections, can be detected through your body odor.

It’s time we treated our underarms with the same care and tenderness as our face, ladies. Here’s a beginner’s guide to starting an armpit care routine and get those pits into action.
How To Start An Armpit Care Routine
Step #1: Start by cleaning your armpits
Oh, the mighty holy grail of cleansing. When caring for your skin, cleaning it thoroughly should always come first. Sweat, dirt and bacteria are a magnet for body odor. Yikes! Everyday cleansing is always a good idea. Keep in mind that the way you cleanse should depend on the skin area. Your underarm skin is delicate and vulnerable to irritation, so consider using a mild cleanser. Remember not to rub it too hard. The key is to be as gentle as possible and to clean it regularly.
Step #2: Exfoliate to prevent clogged pores
Your underarms can get clogged from trapped antiperspirant and dirt. Exfoliating is an unfamiliar term for some who are new to armpit care routine. Here are a few reasons why you shouldn’t skip it:
- It helps in skin regeneration, keeping it healthy.
- Prevents formation of dirt in open pores.
- Leaves your skin smooth.
Exfoliate your armpits with as much care as your face. There are things you might need to look out for before doing this process:
- Make sure not to exfoliate on dry and damaged skin. This may cause irritation and redness.
- Know your skin type, how often you exfoliate varies on the condition of your skin.
- Don't scrub the area too excessively.
Step #3: Detox using an armpit mask
Right now, you might be thinking “Is there such a thing as a mask for armpits?” And here’s your answer ladies, there is.
What is an armpit mask?
Armpit mask’s main purpose is to remove toxic build-up on the skin, like the masks we use for our face. Using an armpit mask will help detoxify the skin by:
- Eliminating body odor.
- Completely remove antiperspirant residue
- Increasing the effectiveness of natural deodorant. If you’re thinking of using natural deodorants this upcoming summer, it’s a great idea to prep with an armpit mask.
Step #4: Find out what’s causing the change in skin tone
Aside from the texture, some people often experience discoloration of underarms.
You should understand the factors that caused it to decolorize.
- It may be caused by deodorants and antiperspirants;
- Shaving on dry skin;
- Lack of exfoliation;
- Hyperpigmentation;
Step #5: Choose the right deodorant
If there’s a most common thing related to armpits, it would be deodorant. The dear deodorant is the ultimate go-to-solution to combat smelly, dry or sweaty underarms.
Deodorants are used to prevent body odor. Our pits have glands emitting sweat high in protein, so it easily attracts bacteria. It normally produces odorless sweat, but when it makes contact with bacteria that’s how foul smell accumulates.
People may confuse deodorants with antiperspirants. Antiperspirants prevent odor by blocking our glands from sweating. This can lead to closed pores, bumpy skin conditions and irritations.
Natural deodorants allow the body to sweat naturally and instead work on neutralizing odor. Remember, you are supposed to sweat.
Perspiration is a normal reaction of the body. Stopping our glands to produce sweat might lead to bacteria swelling under the skin. It can lead up to bacteria mixing with sweat, causing bad odor or skin irritation.
If you’re having trouble with the deodorant you’re currently using, learning how to switch to natural deodorant might be the next best step to do. Consider using a gentle, yet effective deodorant cream that glides on to give you satin-soft protection.
Step #6: Eat right for your underarms
Caring for your armpits also applies to what you eat. Some food and drinks can cause a more pungent aroma. Some examples are onion, cumin and garlic. Foods with strong flavors can be secreted through your sweat.
On a lighter note, there are also foods that are good for your armpits like foods rich in fiber, antioxidants and green leafy vegetables.
Step #7: Moisturize your underarms
Last, but certainly not the least, is moisturizing your skin.
We tend to avoid moisturizing the underarms since it's so prone to moisture. But dry skin is the root of discomfort and itchiness, which could end up with bumps and irritation. If your underarms are sensitive and already dry, stick to lightweight moisturizing lotions.
Beginning to love and care for your armpits takes a bit of work. So, give them some of the attention they deserve and when you’re ready, raise those pits high and start loving it.