About us
speak had a rather unconventional lightbulb moment for a skincare brand. While the love of skincare was already humming in the background, the passion was slowly brewing for years and was almost ready to delightfully consume the founders, Nisa and Tiara, who are cousins.
The need for skincare suitable for sensitive skin began out of necessity 3 years ago. Eczema terrorised Nisa, so she began reading labels, investigating ingredients and sought to reduce the amount of products that could aggravate her condition. Still unsatisfied, she started making her own facial cleanser in powder form and shared it with friends and relatives, including business-minded Tiara. The tinder to speak’s flame was, unusually, a passing of a dear relative.
A grievous moment brought the founders together, which led to a conversation that sparked an idea and morphed into an obsession and finally, oh finally, the creation of speak in December 2017.
The founders